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Stop Comparing Yourself To Billionaires Because You Made A Million
You’re financially closer to a homeless person on the street
It’s slowly becoming apparent to me why people defend billionaires, and see nothing immoral in the way they operate. It’s not just that they too aspire to be billionaires. It’s that they genuinely think they have something in common with them.
When journalists criticise billionaires, and point out how immoral it is to hoard that much money in a world where they could be solving collective problems, the people who defend them are not poor people. They are affluent people. Some of them are millionaires.
Becoming a ‘self-made’ millionaire is not easy. But it’s also not that hard, if you come from a reasonably affluent family, that provides you with an excellent education, an inheritance or two, a leg-up when it comes to getting on the property ladder, and plenty of good advice on how to manage your finances.
There are almost 22,000,000 millionaires in the USA, but only 614 billionaires.
Yet the millionaires have this crazy notion that they are the same as the billionaires. That they somehow have something in common with them. That when billionaires are criticised, they should take it personally, because they too have money.