Exercising Like a Child Might Be Your Key to Long-Term Fitness

Sometimes the more fun you’re having the more you’ll move

Karen Banes
4 min readJun 5, 2024

I fell down a bit of a YouTube rabbit hole recently. In a quest to find some new, fun, home workouts I somehow ended up in “no pain, no gain”, hustle culture territory. Everyone was lifting heavy weights, grunting, and looking as though they hated their routine, their trainer, and their life.

I appreciate that these people have very different goals from me. I’m a married mother of two in my fifties. I just want to be fit, healthy, mobile, and pain-free. I don’t care if I look like I work out. I do care about whether I enjoy working out.

I’m rehabbing a frozen shoulder so I have some limitations that I’ll be working around for a while, so I’m researching for the future, as I heal, and looking at ways to adapt any current workouts I find to make them doable in the meantime.

I also want to have fun with my exercise routine. That’s just what works for me. I love a long walk in nature so I have no problems clocking up 10,000 steps or so along the beach or in the forest. I love yoga and sea dipping, so I have no problem showing up to a beach yoga class followed by a sea dip.



Karen Banes

Freelance writer sharing thoughts on life, society, creativity, and productivity. https://changetheworldwithwords.substack.com